Commercial Lease

What is a Commercial Lease?

A commercial lease is defined as a written contract between a landlord and a business tenant for the rental of a property. This contract allows a business owner to use the leased premises for their business activity. It generally includes information on:

  • the terms of the lease (e.g month-to-month, annual or other)
  • renewal options
  • rental rates (these are usually based on square footage)
  • operating costs if applicable (e.g. heating, janitorial services, security)
  • size of space (square footage)
  • parking (whether it’s included, how many stalls, etc.)
  • repairs (who is responsible for which kinds of repairs)
  • leasehold improvements (if you’re allowed to make changes or improvements to the space and if so, will the property have to be restored back to its original condition prior to move-out?)
  • subleasing conditions
  • insurance details (what is included in your landlord’s insurance?)
  • property tax payments (who pays for property taxes)
  • utilities (who pays for which utilities)

How can Bedrock Realty Advisors Inc. Help with A Commercial Lease?

With 14 years of experience in the commercial real estate industry, Bedrock Realty Advisors Inc. has negotiated thousands of commercial lease agreements for our clients, always ensuring tenants get the terms they want and avoiding any potential pitfalls or areas of miscommunication.

Return to the main Glossary of Commercial Leasing Terms


For more information on how Bedrock Realty Advisors Inc. can help negotiate your commercial lease, Contact Us.